

題目: How to Conduct a Scientific Research
講師: Prof. Mohd Abdur Rashid(Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh)
日時: 2021年07月26日(月)12:40-14:10
場所: インターネット配信。
聴講を希望される方はこちらにご入力ください。ZoomのURLをお送りします。 終了しました。
概要: This course is about the basic knowledge of conducting a scientific research, and you can learn the following:
  1. Basic concepts of research and its types.
  2. Steps of scientific research.
  3. Selection of research area and topics.
  4. Research question and literature review.
  5. Research goals, objectives and hypothesis.
  6. Research horizons.

資料/Lecture Notes
