Paper Submission

Proceedings of TJCAS2019 selected papers

(A) With review papers are included in the "proceedings ofTJCAS2019 selected papers".

The password can be known only to the conference participants.


The way to check the peer review comments

To author who chose (A) With review
Please check the way to check the peer review comment & repost 1-page summary on TJCAS2019.

The notification about the peer review comments were sent for all authors who did submission (The notification is not sent to co-authors).
If you have not recieved it yet, mail to kuwana.anna [at]


Submission Site

Paper Submission is closed

When you submit paper/abstract, you can select the following:
(A) With review (1-page paper submission. Constructive comments will be provided by TJCAS2019 TPC members and the paper will be included in Proceedings of Selected Papers from TJCAS 2019).
(B) Without review (abstract submission).


Paper (1-page Summary) Style


Write your manuscript in English.

Style File

Both 1 column and 2 column styles are acceptable.
sample PDF: (1 column) (2 column)
sample LATEX source files: (1 column) (2 column)   Use IEEEtran.cls in following archive file. (tar.gz) (zip)
sample MS Word: (1 column) (2 column)

Page Limitation

1 page only.

File Format

Only PDF is acceptable.


At the Conference

Please show Presentation Instructions.

Last Update: Aug. 17, 2019